Historically, the revolutionary nature of the waltz manifested itself in the physical proximity of bodies, the escalation of dance pleasure and the heating up of the imagination. Its scandalous nature also consisted of the equalization in dance of social classes that had not been allowed to meet on the dance floor before. The waltz was a way of changing consciousness – including social consciousness. Today, it sustains romantic fantasies of elegance, glamour and luxury. The exploration of the waltz (and its not-so-obvious history) allows us to ask not only about its escapist power, but also about the class nature of choreography: how can the takeover of dance by a particular social class affect the politics of moving bodies and can it become an element of cultural advancement?

Choreography and performance: Paweł Sakowicz

Creation and performance: Agnieszka Kryst, Katarzyna Sikora

Dramaturgy: Anka Herbut

Sound design: Justyna Stasiowska

Light design: Jacqueline Sobiszewski

Production: Komuna Warszawa Theatre

Premiere: 27 April 2023

Duration: 60'